Green Store is a non-profit service run by Stanford University students for the Stanford community. We sell recyclable cups and compostable food serviceware at break-even cost to registered undergraduate and graduate student organizations, University-affiliated departments, and dorm houses. We deliver purchases to requested on-campus locations for free.
Green Store is a Joint Service Project of both the Associated Students of Stanford University (ASSU) and Stanford's Graduate Student Council, and we are supported by the Axe & Palm, a subsidiary of Stanford Hospitality & Auxiliaries.
Green Store is a Joint Service Project of both the Associated Students of Stanford University (ASSU) and Stanford's Graduate Student Council, and we are supported by the Axe & Palm, a subsidiary of Stanford Hospitality & Auxiliaries.
We are recruiting!
Join the Green Store Team! For more info about what that would entail and/or to apply, visit this form! Feel free to email us if you have any questions. We have several opportunities for people interested in social media, marketing, operations, sales analytics, outreach, and finance. Even if you have slightly different skill sets, but are interested in the mission of the Green Store, please feel free to reach out and apply.